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Sneak Peek at Electric Storm 02/26/2025


This blog features random scenes from works in progress within the Draoithe Saga by Ophelia Kee. These works are primarily urban fantasy and paranormal romance with magical realism, dark themes, and fated mates sprinkled throughout. Here you will find scenes which are yet to be published as of the time of posting, and these chapters may require further editing. It's a look behind the curtain, a sneak peek if you will, at scenes from stories Ophelia Kee is currently drafting. 

If you want polished complete stories, this is not the right place. But if you enjoy bits and bobs of things yet to come, won't fall in love with a rough version, and want a taste of the dream before the magic coalesces, then you have found the spot. 

Warning: read at your own Risk

February 26, 2025 Sneak Peek at Electric Storm


This is a work in progress and is subject to change at any time.

Read at Your Own Risk!

Copyright 2025

All Rights Reserved.

Electric Storm Book Cover

Into The Dream


Grey hair above golden eyes stared at him. She was tiny, only five feet three inches, and she weighed less than a hundred pounds. She was bound and gagged. 

She shouldn’t be so mistreated. She was an elemental. With the power of the wind in a woman. Beautiful!

He wasn’t usually slow to move. He’d just stood frozen for several long moments, transfixed by her. With the man he'd pulled away from her forgotten, Lightning held him by the neck, his feet dangling several inches from the floor. When he jerked and tried to get away, Lightning remembered his mission.

Lightning bit the man and left him writhing in pain at his feet as he stared into her golden eyes. He finally tore his gaze away from her long enough to finish turning the man dragonsworn. Once the man was kneeling at his feet awaiting his orders, Lightning moved again.

“I’m here to take you out, ma’am. Will you permit me to help you?” He asked her. 

Speaking to her was difficult somehow. She seemed afraid of him. Her fear squeezed him. Her eyes followed him. 

He ached to set her free. After a long moment, she took a chance and nodded her agreement. Lightning wasted no time cutting her free. He started with her gag.

“I’m Lightning. Will you tell me your name?” 

Lightning sliced away her restraints. He bent and pulled the blanket that he had brought for her from his pack.

“Aria.” She barely breathed it, but he could have sworn that he felt the hair on the top of his head move. 

“Will you permit me to move you from this place? I want to take you somewhere safe.” 

He had to ask her. He couldn’t kidnap her again.

“My sisters.” 

She barely breathed.

“They are being rescued as we speak. Will you come away with me?” 

She stared at him as he placed the blanket over her. She struggled a bit with her indecision. Finally, she closed her golden eyes and nodded. 

Lightning scooped her up and held her close to him. He felt his magic swirl around her. She sighed against him. His heart went out to her. 

She was exhausted and hurt. She had accepted the safety he was offering. Nothing had ever felt better than that.

He knew then that he’d lost his mind. She needed to be rescued. Anyone who took her away from the hell she was in would have gotten a similar response. 

He had a mission to accomplish. He shook his head and moved.

Lightning ordered her servant to follow him as he carried her back to the other side of the warehouse. He met up with his brothers, along with Luke and Javier. His kings had already canvassed the warehouse and found nothing worth removing. 

Ember had burned the two bodies in the cages, so that there would be no mystery for the human police. Luke and Javier poured gasoline on everything. The police would believe it to be arson. 

They lit it up as they left. They cleared the first warehouse of the bear, Lightning's would-be Ruiri, along with several items of interest, the turned servants, and several computers. Only Andrei was still there. 

He worked fast. When Luke nodded at him, Andrei began pouring gasoline over the warehouse. The dragons let the Ruiri get clear, and they lit up the warehouse as well. 

It seemed like a quick trip to the safe house. Lightning helped Aria get a bit cleaned up and dressed in a pretty grey silk nightgown. 

Her beauty shone through, even with her golden eyes slightly sunken from her ordeal. She was too thin, but she lived. He would help her.

On the way back to the dragon’s house, she fell asleep in his arms. He held her close so she wouldn’t be jostled as they made the hour-long drive back to Tyler. 

She smelled of magnolia blossoms. Everything about her was enchanting. He could feel his magic wrapping around her, stealing her anxiety and blocking her nightmares. She needed to rest without the fear so she could heal.

Lightning carried her sleeping form into the house and didn’t stop until he had walked into his room. When the door clicked closed behind him, she startled. 

He tried to lay her down on the bed, but she was confused and clutched at him. The electricity that she could wield crackled lightly around her fingers, tingling over his chest. 

He sat down on the edge of the bed with her instead. 

“It’s okay, Aria. It’s me, Lightning. You’re safe. You can rest here.” 

She settled on his lap. He moved a lock of her hair from her sleepy face and smelled the magnolia blossoms again. 

Lightning spoke softly to her. He wasn’t sure how awake she was, but he would prefer that she not fear him.


He wanted her to say his name in that sleepy voice, always.

“Where are we?” 

Her eyes remained shuttered. 

“We’re a few minutes outside, Tyler. You’re safe here with me. I’ll protect you. You need to sleep now. It’s not light out yet,” he whispered back to her.

“My sisters?” 

She wanted to know about the other elementals.

“They are here as well. Aria, will you tell me your shoe size?” 

“Seven and a half.” 

She half murmured to him. 

He guessed her clothes size and decided on black, white, grey, and yellows for colors. He opened the link with his brothers and sent the information to Smoke, along with a request for the receipt.

She snuggled into him and slept again. He held her next to him for a long time, but he too required sleep. 

Lightning didn’t know how it happened, but he fell asleep holding her. He’d locked his arms around her, so she couldn’t fall. Lightning had meant to wait until she slept deeply, then shift her to the bed, but it never transpired. 

Someone closed the blinds and drew the light-blocking drapes. The room was dark although it was ten-thirty in the morning when he stirred again. He blinked awake to find Aria struggling to turn in her sleep. 

He remained as he had when he sat down. He toed off his shoes and tried to ease her down onto the bed.

A sound like the whine of a high wind escaped her when he tried to release her. Letting him go didn’t seem to be what she wanted. 

He shifted back on the bed and brought her with him until they were both lying fully on the bed. He never let her go or relaxed his grip on her. 

She sighed and snuggled up to him and slipped deeper into sleep. 

He rarely slept lying sideways on the bed, but he also rarely slept sitting up on the edge, either. Lightning decided it was an improvement and slipped into the dream once more.

Thank you for visiting the scrying pool of Draoithe preview chapters. I sincerely hope you enjoyed this glimpse into the future of the dream.

Thank you for your support! Welcome to the dream… Sincerely, -OK

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