( Listen with AI audio ) Frustrations with Flash Fiction - April 26, 2024 Dear Reader, So the cat's out of the bag on this flash fiction tale. Inamorata Succubus is live at OpheliaKee.com . That's not the frustration part, though. It's just the cool result. Allow me to back up and explain. See, I was supposed to be editing and posting chapters of Ruined Lion in the Lyons Gate Miniseries after I finally got Raven's Rescue posted to all the retailers. That project literally took five days to complete because of my pesky day job, but I got it. Instead of steaming ahead and working on the next novella in Lyons Gate, I got sidetracked as writers often do. The muse brought me a new story to tell. I think she's irritated because I haven't gotten the timeline idea off the ground yet, or she's simply mad and enjoys piling up the stuff she wants me to do. Either way, there's no arguing with a tiger. So, I wrote the skeleton of the Inamorata Succubus story on a...
One author's walk into self-publishing and marketing urban fantasy tales. A behind-the-scenes look at the author's writing style, publishing decisions, and promotional efforts. Includes extras like sneak peek chapters, character and story descriptions, and shameless self-promo. Welcome to the dream...