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Three First Order Shifters

( Listen with AI audio ) Three First-order Shifters from the Dream! Dear Reader, Last week, presented in a topical overview, shifters included first-order legends, second-order shifters, and third-order werebeasts fitting into mainly four categories of predatory animals except for the horse-like beings and the lizard-like beings which will need their own posts. These beings, like wizards, demons, vampires, and others, are all immortal. Their populations are much smaller than that of mortals. And while they will never grow old or die of natural causes, many of them can die if killed in various manners or choose to fade into death when eternity stretches out too long. These beings inhabit seven of the nine realms inside the dream, whereas mortals inhabit only three realms and have limited ability to enter other realms. Still, mortals outnumber immortals, as it requires far more of them to balance their lack of magic against the magical might of the immortals. (Humans wielding magic or ho...

Introduction to Shifters - What They Are and How They Work in Urban Fantasy

Introduction to Shifters - What They Are and How They Work in Urban Fantasy ( Listen with AI audio )  Introduction to Shifters - What They Are and How They Work in Urban Fantasy Dear Reader, I couldn't resist writing this post. I want to ask your forgiveness for the format. Y'all know my day job involves a lot of professional writing, and when I'm not writing fiction, I write in a standard nonfiction style. I apologize in advance if this post feels like a lecture. The entire first miniseries character cast in the Draoithe Saga , Kingdom Rising , consists only of shifters. So it only makes sense that I would eventually address the anomaly. For those who have only recently stumbled over my work or urban fantasy, you may ask: what are shifters, exactly? You probably know them from games, movies, and television, but perhaps that term isn't familiar. In the realm of fantasy literature, shifters, also known as shape-shifters, or the more common werewolves, are some of the m...