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Author Interview by Markee Books

Ophelia Kee Speaks, New Author Interview with Markee Books. Dear Reader, Markee Books reached out to me recently for an author interview. I agreed, and it was a lot of fun. (Yes, the same Markee Books who did my awesome first miniseries book covers.) I had a blast talking about the Draoithe Saga, how it all started, the process, and where it's going in the future.   The interview has posted, and I couldn't wait to share it with you. So if you want more information from behind the scenes, you will find it all at Welcome to the Dream - Meeting Ophelia Kee's Fantasy World. I need to get back to writing, editing and publishing before my weekend escapes me. Have a lovely weekend. Ophelia Kee Ophelia Kee Speaks Audio Blog    Welcome to Ophelia Kee Speaks. This is a blog chronicling my independent author walk. In my blog each week, you'll find information on the ‘behind-the-scenes’ for my writing of steamy urban fantasy, magical realism fiction, and paranormal romance and r...

Ophelia Kee Speaks - Rapid Changes in Self Publishing

Rapid Changes in Self Publishing ( Listen with AI audio ) Rapid Changes in Self-Publishing Dear Reader, As I reviewed a blog post from earlier this year, I realized a few things I posted had changed. That things in old posts no longer work as well as they did in the past wasn't surprising. What struck me was the post was only a few months old. Things change quickly in the self-publishing world. The level of instant gratification for both readers and authors is unbelievable. Readers think authors still can't write fast enough, but writing and publishing a story has never been faster or easier once it's written. For authors, that's a blessing and a curse. The curse of writing fast enough is always there, but we can get the story into the market while it's still fresh in a myriad of ways, which simply didn't exist twenty years ago. The issue appears when we produce things, only to realize rather quickly the way we published was ineffective, then change gears. I use...

Weaver's Tale Connection

The Weaver's Tale Connection ( Listen with AI audio ) The Weaver's Tale Connection Dear Reader, I had an epiphany when I realized the mistaken identity of Synner & Sainte. During edits for that title this week, I realized the epiphany also involved another title, which includes three short stories. Weaver's Tale includes Wizard Prince, Spider King, and General of the Horse. These tales are technically bonus content for Apocalypse Denied, but they also offer further connections to other miniseries such as Demon Allies and Eagle Lords. Of course, that led me to contemplate what to do with that book as well. I'm still working out a lot of the issues surrounding writing and publishing a saga. It took a long time to even understand that was what this epic group of stories was. Maybe this isn't the way other authors do it. I will not find out. I'm forging ahead and doing it my way, true tiger style. As I edit and revise, I'm releasing former tales which I pull...