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Grim Dark Character Introduction

Lyella Grisham was a telepathic woman whose spirit gift was valuable enough for her parents to sell her into slavery. To save the ones she loved, she willingly sacrificed herself, but finding the mind of a handsome gryphon in the dream saw her wounded in her escape from bondage. Her story began in the heart of a gryphon knight with a quest to find love. If she could claim him, the safety to learn to use the ghost magic she was born to command might finally be hers. Lyella Grisham Sinclair Gautier was a gryphon knight. Slain defending the gryphon castle, he fought Bushyasta’s evil slug minions on the battlefield to protect his home, and lost. As the immortal gryphon stood upon the banks of the River Styx with his coins in hand to pay the Ferryman, he mourned the life he left behind, and the mate he’d never met. He refused to die without finding love. He lived as a gryphon knight, but his story began when he drew his sword to fight the Reaper, beaten and battered, in open rebellion agai...

Grim Dark Book Description

Grim Dark Book Description Sold into bondage to save the rest of the family, Lyella accepted her fate until her ghost magic found a handsome gryphon knight in the dream. Planning her escape wasn’t the problem. It was finding her gryphon. Broken in battle, Sinclair took up arms against Death to gain one last chance at everything, only to be noticed by the Queen of the dream. The elves did her bidding and rescued a fading immortal, leaving one gryphon knight with an unpayable debt. Service to the elvish lords at Asylum granted Sinclair an opportunity to find his mate, but also set him on a strange search and rescue mission. The quarry: a man destined to become the last Vampire King. The mission: ensure the vampire fulfills his destiny. It’s all according to an ancient prophecy, but it must end the way the elves want it, rather than the way a devil wrote it. Grim Dark is the opening tale for the dark urban fantasy miniseries, Mystic Dark. Set in the dream, this spinoff story from the Drao...

Ophelia Kee Speaks - Boxed Set Nightmares and Other Publishing Glitches

Boxed Set Nightmares and Other Publishing Glitches ( Listen with AI audio ) Dear Reader, It's been a long ride trying to get Kingdom Rising finished. I started my summer vacation with a few goals. The goal of publishing the first miniseries in the Draoithe Saga in its entirety I can check off the list. That's as far as I went, until Thursday 7-13. First, let me back up and explain the behind the scenes in a perspective so all this weirdness makes sense. I ran into a wall at the end of June with Speechelo and publishing the AI audio for the chapters in the serialized complete Kingdom Rising miniseries. So while all the chapters in the miniseries have been published, with the correct book covers, they don't all have AI audio as of the time of this post. I haven't given up. I'm forced to wait until Speechelo deems I can create more voiceovers. That wasn't part of my plan. After I checked into upgrading the program (or purchasing another one), I learned it's t...