Lyella Grisham was a telepathic woman whose spirit gift was valuable enough for her parents to sell her into slavery. To save the ones she loved, she willingly sacrificed herself, but finding the mind of a handsome gryphon in the dream saw her wounded in her escape from bondage. Her story began in the heart of a gryphon knight with a quest to find love. If she could claim him, the safety to learn to use the ghost magic she was born to command might finally be hers. Lyella Grisham Sinclair Gautier was a gryphon knight. Slain defending the gryphon castle, he fought Bushyasta’s evil slug minions on the battlefield to protect his home, and lost. As the immortal gryphon stood upon the banks of the River Styx with his coins in hand to pay the Ferryman, he mourned the life he left behind, and the mate he’d never met. He refused to die without finding love. He lived as a gryphon knight, but his story began when he drew his sword to fight the Reaper, beaten and battered, in open rebellion agai...
One author's walk into self-publishing and marketing urban fantasy tales. A behind-the-scenes look at the author's writing style, publishing decisions, and promotional efforts. Includes extras like sneak peek chapters, character and story descriptions, and shameless self-promo. Welcome to the dream...