( Listen with AI audio ) Dear Reader, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! If you landed here prepared to enjoy the preview of the prequel trilogy for Mystic Dark, know it will remain FREE until midnight, January 2, 2024, as a thank you for your patience and as my gift. 'Tis the season. They will remain posted after that date, but will disappear behind the paywall as the ebooks debut on the retailers. I sincerely appreciate you reading these three tales while you wait for the main event to begin. I hope you will consider leaving a review when you finish. Before you read further, there is a bit of the legalese we must get out of the way. Warning: This is a work in progress and is subject to change at any time. Read at Your Own Risk! Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. Behind the Scenes Because of an experiment I ran on Grim Dark, I accidentally wrote this tale. Then, of course, I published it. While you wait for Grim Dark to exit the Kindle Vella Purgatory, I hope you'll enjoy Ha...
One author's walk into self-publishing and marketing urban fantasy tales. A behind-the-scenes look at the author's writing style, publishing decisions, and promotional efforts. Includes extras like sneak peek chapters, character and story descriptions, and shameless self-promo. Welcome to the dream...