
Showing posts from October, 2022

Ophelia Kee Speaks - Pure Indie Author, What does it Require?

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Ophelia Kee Speaks - Publishing: Exclusive Versus Wide

Ophelia Kee Speaks Audio Blog    Welcome to Ophelia Kee Speaks. This is a blog chronicling my independent author walk.  In my blog each week, you'll find information on the ‘behind-the-scenes’ for my writing of steamy urban fantasy, magical realism fiction, and paranormal romance as well as release dates for my stories. I'm not an expert and am not claiming to be one. I'm simply one writer offering a glimpse of my struggle to become a successful independent author. Whether you're a writer or a reader: Laugh with me, learn from my mistakes, and forge your path. Thank you for considering my words. Allow me to invite you to step into the dream and feel the magic. Copyright and All Rights Reserved. As an Amazon Associate and as a Google Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Ophelia Kee   Want More?   Sign up for my newsletter :     Get updates on release dates for new books in the dream: https://payhip

A Conversation with Dragons by Ophelia Kee

A Conversation with Dragons an Interview from the Draothe Saga The Tiger Queen commands the dragons to undertake a mission for justice after hearing their position on several past issues. Unique extra story from the Draoithe Saga. Written in an interview style from the heroine's point of view. Set during the aftermath of the downfall of the shadowy evil. Welcome to the dream…  Steamy Paranormal Romance / Urban Fantasy 18+ HEA! NC! Fated Mates ***Warning: Adult Themes, Fantasy Violence, and/or Explicit Sexual Situations. Intended for a Mature Audience. This Tale comes complete with AI Audio and Video Book streaming. Enjoy. Want More?   Sign up for my newsletter :     Get updates on release dates for new books in the dream:     Watch book trailers and vlogs: or

Ophelia Kee SPeaks - Reader Influence

Reader Influence ( Listen with AI Audio ) Before you get to thinking that this is about research into niches or writing to meet audience demands, allow me to inform you it's not about that stuff at all. I understand some people can find the pulse of what appeals to the masses, write and publish while the masses are still consuming, and make a lot of money, but I can't do that. I can't write that fast, so the research to see what profitable niches exist and writing what readers want in those niches seems pointless. Sorry if that's disappointing, but I feel it's important to know what your strengths are. What I want to discuss here is the influence readers can have on the way a story proceeds. It might be difficult to imagine in a stand-alone novel, but it's a lot easier to see how it might happen in a long series or a world-building saga like Draoithe. Readers asked questions that I never thought of. They make suggestions that I never considered. It has greatly a