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Showing posts from February, 2022

Little Red Riding Hood Researched by Ophelia Kee

Research into the original Little Red Riding Hood stories for a novel project in the Draoithe Saga by Ophelia Kee produced interesting results and the summary sparked the creation of a research video based on those results. Writing steamy paranormal romance set in an urban fantasy setting isn't easy and often involves hours of behind-the-scenes research for the author to craft believable characters. It's always fiction, but even make-believe needs inspiration. Steamy hot, wickedly delicious paranormal romance and urban fantasy stories set in a dream to live for. Those who come to Draoithe aid in the fight to restore the magical balance of the dream, one couple at a time. Grab a good drink, curl up in a good seat, choose a book from the Saga, and escape into the dream while you meet the men and women who call it home. A place where myths, legends, and fairytales walk unmolested among the strange and wonderful, where the balance is often found in a lifemate, and where the magic...

Ophelia Kee Speaks Payhip? As a Website!?

Welcome to the dream

Ruler of the Mind by Ophelia Kee Ch 20

It got real steamy! Welcome to the dream...

Ruler of the Mind by Ophelia Kee Ch 19

Welcome to the dream...

Ruler of the Mind by Ophelia Kee Ch 18

It's getting steamy now! Welcome to the dream...

Ruler of the Mind by Ophelia Kee Ch 17

Welcome to the dream...

Ruler of the Mind by Ophelia Kee Ch 16

Welcome to the dream...

Ruler of the Mind by Ophelia Kee Ch 15

FREE to read! Welcome to the dream...

Ruler of the Mind Ophelia Kee Ch 14

Please leave a comment and let me know what you think! Welcome to the dream...

Ruler of the Mind Ophelia Kee Ch 13

Welcome to the dream...

Ruler of the Mind by Ophelia Kee Ch 12

Welcome t the dream...

Ruler of the Mind by Ophelia Kee Ch 11

Welcome to the dream...

Ruler of the Mind by Ophelia Kee Ch 10

Ch 10 everyone!

Ruler of the Mind by Ophelia Kee Ch 9

Read/ Listen for FREE! Welcome to the dream...

Ruler of the Mind by Ophelia Kee Ch 8

Free to listen or read! Welcome to the dream...

Ruler of the Mind by Ophelia Kee Ch 7

I might get all caught up. Laugh. It's ridiculous to ever believe such inanity.  #paranormalromance #urbanfantasy #serialpublishing 

Ruler of the Mind by Ophelia Kee Ch 6

Stuff is getting done today! #paranormalromance #urbanfantasy #fatedmates #serialpublishing #steamy 

Ruler of the Mind by Ophelia Kee Ch 5

Videobook Welcome to the dream...

Ruler of the Mind by Ophelia Kee Ch 4

#steamy #Urbanfantasy #paranormalromance #serialpublishing #fatedmates #opheliakee #FREERead Free to read as a WIP! Visit Payhip! Welcome to the dream...

Ruler of the Mind Ch 3

#serialpublishing #urbanfantasy #paranormalromance #opheliakee Ch. 3 is now available live on Youtube and Payhip! Welcome to the dream...

Ruler of the Mind by Ophelia Kee Ch 2

#paranormalromance #urbanfantasy #fatedmates #serialpublishing Now publishing as a videobook. Ruler of the Mind by Ophelia Kee Ch 2 Watch for FREE!

Draoithe: Ruler of the Mind by Ophelia Kee Chapter 1

#paranormalromance #urbanfantasy #fatedmates #opheliakee The videobook is now serial publishing!